These construction birthday party ideas will have to be one of my top kids party themes.
Which little boys (or girls) don't enjoy building, creating, digging and getting dirty? So this is the perfect theme for all those little workmen, especially for kids ages 3 to 8 years.
It's easiest to plan this event for outdoors as you will need quite a lot of space for the games and activities.

Your birthday invitations could go something like this:
Foreman X needs your help to build a mega birthday bash
Building work commences on: (date)
Shift hours: (time of party)
Dress for construction as we anticipate a mass of destruction
Report to the site boss: Address & Tel
- Print images of dumper trucks off your computer and stick to strong craft paper
- Fold yellow craft paper in half and cut out a construction workers hat using a template. Write the name of the guest on the outside and the details on the inside.
- Write the details on architect drawing paper, roll up and secure with a ribbon.
In the construction birthday party invitations, make sure to tell the kids to come in clothes fit for getting messy and dirty.
When the children arrive, give each one a hard hat with their name written in permanent marker on the front.
As a little extra and to get the kids excited give them a tool belt or an inexpensive nail apron. They are great because they are light weight and you can personalize them with fabric pens. Tell the kids that their construction birthday party mission will be to fill their nail belt with tools which they will earn throughout the event.

Arm yourself with a whistle or portable microphone and tell the workers that they have to report to the site manager on hearing it. This is a great way for getting the kids together for hand washing, eating and games.
A construction birthday party is really an outdoor theme so rummage around the garden shed and find all those old planks, wheelbarrows and plastic spades that could do with an airing.
- Sign Boards
Put up a "Construction Site" notice at the entrance to the party area. Place other signs around pointing to particular area points such as 'Toilet', 'Canteen', Tool box', 'Danger kids at work'. - Shift Workers Sign-In Book
If the kids are old enough, get each worker to sign in the book as s/he arrives and to maybe draw a small picture. This serves as a wonderful keepsake for the birthday child. - Balloons
Yellow, orange and black balloons are the colors to go for. - Construction Tape
Buy a role of yellow and black birthday zone warning tape and use it to make off the construction area. If you don't want kids to enter certain rooms in the house with muddy feet, use the tape to block off doorways. - Workmen's Rest Area
Create a rest area for those tired workers. Set up the food table here and some camping chairs. Use a wheelbarrow as storage for any birthday presents and another filled with ice for storing cold drinks. - Construction Cones
Try and get hold of some orange cones and use them to line your driveway. Asking your local police station, hardware store, local council or school gym if they could loan you some.
When your little builders get fidgety and you need to keep them occupied, then there is no better way than with some games and activities. These games will have them filling their buckets, digging and searching for tools and lots more.

Construction birthday party work makes for hungry and thirsty workers so have enough on hand lots of cold drinks.
To save on washing up and time, serve ready made food in brown paper bags or food boxes - just like the real thing! Make sure to write each child's name on their cup and food bag.
Place fun food labels next to each plate of food and use names such as "Builders Brew" (drink), "Lump Hammers" (sausages). etc
- Bulldozer Burgers - Hamburgers with salad
- Brick Sarnies - Brown bread sandwiches with kid friendly filling cut into rectangular brick shapes
- Rock-Corn - Small bags of popcorn
- Muscle Milkshakes - All workers need strong bones so a fruity milk shake is the perfect answer
- Orange Juice - Serve orange and yellow juice drinks to go with the color scheme.
- Lump Hammers - Fat sausages skewered with lollipop sticks.
- Big Rock Cookies - Homemade cookies in the shape of a rock. Alternatively make round cookies and decorate with orange, yellow and black icing to look like warning tape.
Construction Site Cake
Prepare a basic square or rectangular chocolate cake using a packet cake mix. Cover with chocolate frosting. The messier it looks the better as it is meant to be a construction site!
Crush different colored biscuits and place in small piles around the cake to resemble dirt piles. If you can find mini shovels to go in the piles that enhances the look. Place small plastic construction vehicles around the site cake and yellow and orange candles.
Make a sign saying "X's Construction Birthday Party Site" out of a tooth pick or small wooden skewer and some card. Put some plastic warning tape around the edge of the cake - cut the width if necessary. Voila, a quick and easy cake.

Instead of the traditional favor bags, put any favor in a plastic hard hat, tool box (plain cardboard lunch box) or tool pouch with the child's name on it. Favor ideas might include:
- Play dough and play dough tools
- Plastic hard hat
- Notebooks and pencils
- Toy carpenter tools
- Toy trucks and cars
- Tape measure
- Posters of diggers and 'big machines'
- Polaroid photo of each child 'at work'!
- T-shirt with "Foreman + child's name" printed on